Drone Surveys
- Photogrammetric surveys for the production of:
- ortophotomosaics
- digital elevation models (DSM, DTM, ecc.)
- 3D terrain models
- Surveys for the evaluation and monitoring of:
- agricultural activities
- forest resources
- hydrogeological instability and other geological criticalities
- Surveys for mapping production
- Surveys of buildings and artifacts aimed at the production of 3D models and front views
- Buildings and infrastructures inspection
In collaboration with Geologist Daniele Lisi
Geophysical Prospecting
- Surface wave dispersion analysis according to the following methodologies: MASW (Multi-channel Analysis of Surface Waves) in Rayleigh and Love waves, ESAC (Extended Spatial Autocorrelation), HVSR (Horizontal-to-Vertical Spectral Ratio), HoliSurface® (method patented by the Eliosoft company), MAAM (Miniature Array Analysis of Microtremors)
- Seismic refraction in P and Sh waves (seismic tomography or GRM method)
- Seismic Down Hole
- Investigations on building vibration modes and frequencies
In collaboration with Songeo Srl Company
In situ Geotechnical Investigation:
- geognostic drillings
- execution of borehole tests such as: S.P.T. and pressure measurements (Menard pressuremeter)
- Lefranc permeability tests with variable and constant load, Lugeon tests
- installation of inclinometers, settlement gauges, inclinoassestimeters, Norton and Casagrande piezometers
- static cone penetrometer tests such as: C.P.T. – C.P.T.E. – C.P.T.U. – S.C.P.T.U. – dissipation tests
- dynamic penetrometer tests such as D.P.S.H.
- consulting on territorial planning
Environmental Investigation and Analysis:
- investigations for the environmental characterization of contaminated site
- installation of piezometers, instrumentation and acquisition of groundwater chemical, physical and biological parameters
- piezometer rehabilitation and development with air lift method
- sampling of different environmental matrices (soil, water) according to the UNI 10802: 2013 standard
- chemical analysis of terrain, water, gas with portable instrumentation
- field measurement, analyses and tests for in situ land treatment and remediation:
- Drawdown Test
- Soil Vapour Extraction Test
- Skimmer Test
- Slug Test
- Tracer tests
- application and development of plans for control and monitoring of waste treatment plants and landfills
- planning and consultancy on various environmental issues
- supplying and construction of in situ water and land remediation systems
- land reclamation with chemical-physical and biological methods
- tank decontamination and removal
- waste transport on own account