Province of Rome – Department of Agricultural and Environmental Policies – Department V, Service 4 “Geological”
Aims of the Project
Identification of the parameters influencing the slope stability and of the factors triggering the instability; creation of a landslide susceptibility map; creation of a database and a GIS project for management.
Contract Holder(s)
Geomap Srl
4 geologists photointerpreters, 2 GIS experts
Project Activities
Realization of a Geological Map at 1:10,000 scale compliant with CARG standards, by field survey and integration from bibliography and photointerpretation; derivation from the geological map of a Lithotechnical Map containing the classification of geological units based on their characteristics of mechanical behavior and of a Map of Covers; realization of a Census/Map of Landslide Phenomena, at 1:10,000 scale, by photointerpretation and field survey, guided by a preliminary analysis of all the archive data (IFFI, Basin Authority, SIRDIS Lazio Region, Provincial Geological Service); classification into five types according to Varnes, plus solifluction; derivation from the map of landslide phenomena of a layer of unstable points, represented by the highest point of the crown of each landslide, plus the point phenomena, which are associated with geolithology, type of landslide, slope, curvature, exposure.
Analysis of the susceptibility to landslide phenomena, for each of the six types of landslide, in a GIS environment, through the evaluation of the discriminating parameters (slope and geolitology), that is, the necessary but not sufficient conditions for the occurrence of a certain type of instability and the predisposing parameters, i.e. the geomorphological, morphometric, lithotechnical, tectonic and land cover conditions which contribute, directly or indirectly, to aggravate the stability conditions, but are not sufficient to determine it.
Creation of the Map of Susceptibility to Landslides for each type of landslide. Historical archival investigation of landslides to analyze the relationships between instability events and triggering phenomena, such as rainfall and seismicity.