• Project Name
  • Plan National de Cartographie Géologique (PNCG)
  • Country, Location(s)
  • Morocco
    1. Eastern Anti-Atlas (5 sheets), 2. Central High Atlas (4 sheets), 3. Eastern High Atlas (6 sheets), 4. Western Sahara Laayoun-Dakhla basin (12 sheets)
  • Client(s)
  • Ministère de l’Energie, des Mines et du Développement Durable – Direction de la Géologie, Rabat – Morocco
  • Aims of the Project
  • Realization of 15 sheets at the scale of 1/50,000 and of 12 sheets at the scale of 1/100,000 of the Geological Map of Morocco.
  • Contract Holder(s)
  • Geomap (leader in the first two projects), S.EL.CA. Srl, Florence, Geomine Sarl, Casablanca, Infodigit, Casablanca. With the collaboration of the Institute for Geosciences and Georesources (IGG) of the Italian Council of Research (CNR), Pisa, Florence and Turin, the Department of Earth Sciences of the University of Pisa, the Department of Earth Sciences of the University of Padua, the LTS (Land Technology & Services) Srl of Treviso and Padua, the Faculty of Sciences Semlalia of the Cadi Ayyad University of Marrakech, the Faculty of Sciences of the Hassan II Aïn Chock University of Casablanca.
  • Staff
  • 31 geologists, 5 photogeologists geomorphologists, 2 hydrogeologists, 2 mining geologists, 4 GIS experts
  • Project Activities
  • Compilation and analysis of existing data, interpretation of aerial photographs, processing and interpretation of satellite imagery, preparation of topographic base maps, field geological and geomorphological survey, laboratory analyses, evaluation of mineral and water resources, creation of a GIS, colour printing of maps and explanatory notes.
    Geomap has performed the following activities: general coordination of the project, including the relations with the client (for the first and the second as project leader), management of the relationships with the Italian and Moroccan partners, coordination and direction of the field surveys, organisation of the laboratory studies, design and managing of the data bank and of the project GIS, including the implementation of the geodatabase of the geological maps, to be prepared for printing, editing of the explanatory notes.
  • Start (month/year)
  • First lot: April 2003
    Second lot: March 2011
    Third lot: March 2012
    Fourth lot: October 2017
  • End (month/year)
  • First lot: May 2007
    Second lot: October 2018
    Third lot: May 2020
    Fourth lot: in progress